Over the past five years, Texas and Florida have emerged as epicenters of population growth in the United States. Using data from the U.S. Census Bureau's ACS5 (American Community Survey), along with GIS tools and statistical techniques implemented in R, we analyzed...
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Where Housing Got Even More Unaffordable: Trends from 2017 to 2022
Introduction The United States housing market has experienced significant shifts in recent years, with some regions seeing dramatic changes in affordability. Using data on home prices, adjusted for inflation, and median household incomes, this analysis maps the change...
Where Can You Afford to Live? Mapping Housing Affordabilty Across the West
Housing affordability remains a critical issue in many regions, affecting individuals, policymakers, and businesses. By analyzing the home price-to-income ratio, we can better understand disparities in housing costs and identify areas where affordability challenges...
Exploring Rural Population Growth in the Western United States: A Decade of Change
Population trends across the United States over the past decade and a half have revealed a remarkable shift: an increasing expansion in rural populations, particularly in the western states. While much attention is often given to urban growth, the quiet resurgence of...
Rising Prices, Rising Peaks – Home Unaffordability Surges Through the Intermountain West, Texas, Southeast
In recent years, the landscape of housing affordability in the United States has undergone a pronounced transformation, witnessing not only significant disparities but also a recent surge in unaffordability that has extended beyond the traditional coastal hotspots. As...